Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Friday, June 14, 2013
From the Band ØNE I got the opportunity to design the cover of their first EP released
June 26, 2013.
It was a great pleasure working together with Aljoscha, a friend who is part of the band. Our perfectionistic mindsets matched quite good and after heaps of meetings we finally came to the solution which we think fits best. Actually we´ve been reducing my first proposal to a minimum from what it has been before.
For more info visit their facebookpage (www.ø is still under construction) or click this link for listening to the song "The reason I don´t speak".

June 26, 2013.
It was a great pleasure working together with Aljoscha, a friend who is part of the band. Our perfectionistic mindsets matched quite good and after heaps of meetings we finally came to the solution which we think fits best. Actually we´ve been reducing my first proposal to a minimum from what it has been before.
For more info visit their facebookpage (www.ø is still under construction) or click this link for listening to the song "The reason I don´t speak".
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
hannibal lectern
The actual assignment is to design a lectern for the new university building. It has been quite hard for me to cope with the assignment as I also probably will not continue doing that after I finished uni. When I talked to the docent and told him that I miss the fun part a little he told me that this is not the way it should be and that I could turn the assignment. But the actual issue, the lectern, shouldn´t go to short. I came up with the idea of a children's book. Illustration and text. This is what I would like to do and what maybe people would ask me for later.
This is the story of Hannibal Lectern - the cannibal culprit
(illustrations made with a filt tip pen, book completely self-made with silkscreen printed cover)
This is the story of Hannibal Lectern - the cannibal culprit
(illustrations made with a filt tip pen, book completely self-made with silkscreen printed cover)
Monday, June 10, 2013
come fly with me
Na de 'one of a kind' opdracht, een uniek 'boekexemplaar' - een geschenk voor belangrijke mensen die de Istanbul Biennale ondersteunen - ; nu een serie foto's.
- Come Fly With Me - is de werktitel van een serie foto's, minimaal 7. De foto's brengen in beeld hoe je een persoon ergens op deze wereld op reis gaat met als eindbestemming Istanbul. Het is niet noodzakelijk dat iemand gaat vliegen, het gaat om een individuele reis die een onbekend persoon in jouw fantasie zou kunnen maken. Waar woont de onbekende persoon (Kaapstad, Patagonië, IJsland.......) en hoe gaat z/hij het aanpakken, met een sloep met de zeestromen mee, of per luchtballon, fiets, vrachtauto...? Welke wereld verlaat z/hij en misschien laat je zien waarom?
Mijn reis gaat vanuit Tibet naar Istanbul. De foto´s zijn allemaal op mijn reis door China, die ik de afgelopen drie weken achter mijn rug heb, ontstaan.
Mijn reis gaat vanuit Tibet naar Istanbul. De foto´s zijn allemaal op mijn reis door China, die ik de afgelopen drie weken achter mijn rug heb, ontstaan.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
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