Monday, November 24, 2014


In the southern part of Enschede there is district called Wesselerbrink. For its' 17.000 inhabitants it is relatively small - the houses, built in the 1960s have all the same architecture, block after block. In October 2014 they started renovating the whole district by breaking down the houses and building new ones. Now almost all of the old houses are still standing, but empty. The sphere, especially on a cloudy, grey sunrise is really impressive. At one point there is a playground that has this smiling sculpture in the middle. I photographed it one time with and without a flash.

Sunday, November 16, 2014


The last days we had a friend staying over, that had been on exchange at AKI the last year. Today she went back to Poland and as I had an unexpected creative boost last night I made this illustration for her. It is 13 x 18 cm (marker on paper), and describes the pure randomness you get when you start drawing without thinking in advance.

Friday, November 14, 2014


Rotzkopf [rɔtskɔpf] engl. “snodhead“ is a typographic experiment. The aim of the experiment is to create heaps of visual variations of the word ‘rotzkopf‘ itself, mainly analogue. 
The project started with a coincidental letter press print in 2013, where most of the letter stamps have been missing - so the word 'rotzkopf' seemed to be only possible letter combination. 

Recently I am as well busy setting up a web shop to buy the results of the experiment and a broad assortment of rare products. It will be online in 2015.

I will post a few results on this blogspot every now and then, but I will mainly use facebook and tumblr for documenting the project.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


4SHORE, a Graphic Design company based in Kenya, East Africa, that is founded by my mate David and his sister Larissa Hanegraaf, asked me to make an illustration for their magnificent tee shirt project. For every shirt, all made out of 100% organic cotton, they plant one tree. The illustration itself is 27 x 27cm, pen on paper. I am curious how its gonna look like on the shirt!

You can find more info about 4SHORE here.