Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Brian Eno's Oblique Strategies came back in another assignment of a different course. Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt created the Oblique Strategies in 1975, a deck of cards designed to help them break creative blocks by encouraging lateral thinking. They then published the cards and made that system available to a wide audience.
My job was to find a new medium for the strategies and make it a personal project.
First of all, I sorted out the tips that are not relevant for graphic purpose (as the original strategies are made for both, graphic designers and musicians) and ended up with a rep digit of 111. Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt chose a deck of cards as a medium to keep the randomness of getting a tip.

I thought: Why not picking a vinyl record as a new medium? I recorded the strategies, spread them randomly over the 12 minutes of recording time with a pauze of 5 seconds in-between the sentences. I sent my file to Dr.Dub, a recording service in Austria, to press a vinyl of my file. By putting the needle on a random spot of the vinyl you get a random strategy.

The creative process in general could be comparable with a labyrinth. You walk in one direction and suddenly you notice that this might not be the good one, so you turn around and repeat this process until you got your way out. With all the boundaries of an assignment represented as walls.

111 strategies offering an aphorism intended to help you as an artist or designer break creative blocks.  Put the needle on any random spot of the record and receive an advice that might loosen your thinking barrier. Keep the system running.

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